[accordion-item title=”Overview” state=open]
The energy sector on the island of Ireland sits on the cusp of transformation. Climate change has begun to drive decarbonisation, digitisation will transform the management of consumption, while emergent technologies promise both demands on energy networks and great benefits.
To guide this transformation with a fresh vision the Department for the Economy has set out to develop a new Strategic Energy Framework for Northern Ireland post-2020.
On 11 September 2019, Chambré Policy Eye NI Events, in partnership with Cleaver Fulton Rankin, will host a landmark conference providing unique insights into the issues that need to be considered as the Department seeks to develop an energy vision for 2050.
With participation from senior officials from across the NI Civil Service, industry leaders and politicians this event promises an unparalleled opportunity to inform government thinking.
We hope you will take this opportunity to join us in the impressive surroundings of Titanic Belfast to learn about the options before us and share your perspective, helping to shape the future of energy in Northern Ireland.
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Speakers” state=open]
Richard Rodgers Head of Energy Group at the Department of the Economy |
Jenny Pyper Chief Executive at the Utility Regulator |
Charlie Simpson Partner & Head of Mobility 2030 |
Stephen Cross
Director and Head of Energy at Cleaver Fulton Rankin |
Jo Aston
Managing Director at SONI |
Declan Billington MBE
Chair at CBI Northern Ireland Energy Forum |
Michael McKinstry
Group CEO at Phoenix Natural Gas |
Pat Austin
Director at NEA Northern Ireland |
Dr Andrew Cripps
Regional Director, Sustainability at AECOM |
Karl Purcell
Programme Manager of Behavioural Economics Unit at Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) |
Grainia Long
Commissioner for Resilience at Belfast City Council |
Professor Tom Woolley
Visiting Professor at Anglia Ruskin University |
David Smith
Chief Executive at ENA (Energy Networks Association)
John Young
Head of Policy, Northern Ireland and Ireland at SSE |
Dara Lynott
Chief Executive at Electricity Association of Ireland |
Professor Neil Hewitt Professor of Energy/Director of the Centre for Sustainable Technologies at Ulster University |
Paul Stapleton Managing Director at NIE Networks |
Chris Johnston Principal Scientist & Project Leader, Agri-Environmental Technologies Unit at AFBI |
Gary Middleton MLA
Assembly Economy Spokesperson at Democratic Unionist Party |
Eleanor McEvoy Chair at FSB Northern Ireland Energy Group |
Councillor Daniel Baker Energy, Environ. & Climate Change Spokesperson at Sinn Féin |
Dr Steve Aiken OBE MLA Assembly Energy Spokesperson at Ulster Unionist Party |
Dr Stephen Farry MLA Assembly Economy Spokesperson at Alliance Party |
Daniel McCrossan MLA Assembly Energy Spokesperson at Social Democratic & Labour Party |
Because he never micromanages.
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